About Us
Biocare International was born in Sala Bolognese, near Bologna.
Here the founder, Enzo Tolomelli, is dedicated with passion to the production and sale of cosmetics based on natural active ingredients.
The company Biocare International has then evolved with great success as a brand of international level in the circuit spa and wellness centers offering a wide range of products and professional treatments highly competitive. The exclusive range of products, treatments and rituals has been designed with unparalleled dedication to offer the most effective scientific solutions and the most lasting results.
Wellness is definitely the key to the beauty of the future, today we are more informed, aware and attentive to what can be truly beneficial.

The science of skincare must go beyond the concept of luxury, it must not produce instant gratification and pleasure, but must produce concrete solutions and clear and lasting results.
Biocare International offers its customers a complete service, ensuring professionalism and “Made in Italy”.
Italians are recognized worldwide for having impeccable taste, meticulous attention to detail, and a passion for all that is satisfying and sensual.
Important university collaborations, innovative research laboratories, design studios and high-profile professors, allow Biocare International to offer unique operating methods, extremely performing cosmetic lines and continuous commercial training.